1. emulator
2. mksdcard
3. adb
[root@localhost ~]# cd /home/online/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.6_r1/tools/ [root@localhost tools]# [root@localhost tools]# ls adb dmtracedump hprof-conv source.properties android draw9patch lib sqlite3 apkbuilder emulator mksdcard traceview ddms hierarchyviewer NOTICE.txt zipalign [root@localhost tools]# ./android list target Available Android targets: id: 1 Name: Android 1.5 Type: Platform API level: 3 Revision: 1 Skins: QVGA-P, HVGA (default), HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L id: 2 Name: Android 1.6 Type: Platform API level: 4 Revision: 1 Skins: HVGA (default), QVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854 id: 3 Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Revision: 3 Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 1.5 (API level 3) Libraries: * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: QVGA-P, HVGA-L, HVGA (default), QVGA-L, HVGA-P id: 4 Name: Google APIs Type: Add-On Vendor: Google Inc. Revision: 1 Description: Android + Google APIs Based on Android 1.6 (API level 4) Libraries: * com.google.android.maps (maps.jar) API for Google Maps Skins: WVGA854, HVGA (default), WVGA800, QVGA [root@localhost tools]# ./android create avd --target 2 --name myavd Android 1.6 is a basic Android platform. Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile [no] Created AVD 'myavd' based on Android 1.6, with the following hardware config: hw.lcd.density=160 [root@localhost tools]# mksdcard 512M mycard [root@localhost tools]# ./emulator -avd myavd -skin HVGA -sdcard mycard & [1] 4446 [root@localhost tools]# emulator: warning: opening audio output failed [root@localhost tools]# ./android list avd Available Android Virtual Devices: Name: sdk_1_6 Path: /root/.android/avd/sdk_1_6.avd Target: Android 1.6 (API level 4) Skin: HVGA Sdcard: 32M --------- Name: avd16 Path: /root/.android/avd/avd16.avd Target: Android 1.6 (API level 4) Skin: HVGA --------- Name: myavd Path: /root/.android/avd/myavd.avd Target: Android 1.6 (API level 4) Skin: HVGA [root@localhost tools]# adb devices List of devices attached emulator-5554 device [root@localhost tools]# adb get-state device [root@localhost tools]# adb get-serialno emulator-5554 [root@localhost tools]# #adb -s emulator-5554 install xxx.apk [root@localhost tools]# #adb -s emulator-5554 uninstall com.example.xxx.xxx.apk [root@localhost tools]# #adb shell [root@localhost tools]# #adb pull <remote> <local> [root@localhost tools]# #adb push <local> <remote> [root@localhost tools]# #adb logcat [root@localhost tools]# #adb bugreport [root@localhost tools]#DDMS